Monday, March 8, 2010

Why Headgear?

Headgear was once more commonplace than it is today. It was, and still is sometimes used for severe bite problems. It is traditionally used in conjunction with braces and attaches to them with metal hooks to pull the jaw forward. While your NYC braces orthodontist will most likely spare you the stigma attached to these appliances with a different form of Medicaid braces, it’s good to know about what once was a more prevalent option in the orthodontic world. Most headgear alternatives take the form of temporary anchorage devices to help shift teeth.

As a whole, adults are ineligible for headgear treatment and so it is important that children be diagnosed as soon as possible. If they are not, corrective surgery may have to occur. The ideal age for a screening is 7. By then the first adult molars have emerged and begin to impact the adult bite. Today Brooklyn NY braces can help malocclusions (bad bites) the same way that headgear once used to.

So for any bite, whether it’s an overbite, underbite, crossbite or openbite, it’s best to see your Medicaid orthodontist if you have any concerns. If you’re looking for Brooklyn NY braces, you can rest assured that you will be happier than if you were wearing headgear.